Saturday, April 26, 2014

Logical Mind - Artistic Heart!!

Boy, "Oh my dearest beloved. I love you from the depth of my heart."

"Cut the crap out, will you?" Girl interrupts.

"What's wrong! why are you saying such thing?" Boy gets down on his knees.

"You are so dumb, dumbo."

Boy becomes confused. Girl comes up with the answer, "You love me from your heart? Stop acting like a real dumb, dude. It's our left brain which deals with the emotional stuffs and it's the right brain which controls our logical side. Heart has nothing to do with this. What it does, It simply stores the blood and pumps it all over the body." Girl turns aside and walks away.

Boy watches her with his surprised face. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Fantasic Tales with Hannibal

Title: Fantasic Tales with Hannibal (vol.1)
Genre: Children Book, Fantasy 
Fantasic = Fantastic Fantasy!!

    There are naughty lion toddlers who play for whole day in their lovely jungle. Hannibal, son of Lion King, is the most hellion among them. Every night Hannibal prays for bedtime stories and his beloved grandma fulfills his sweet wish. She takes him into different worlds with her words. Hannibal feels as if he is living those stories himself. He is a naughty cub, of course, but a great visionary as well. He never forgets about the stories told to him by his sweet grandma. He generally interconnects the moral of those stories in his jungle adventure. 

Written By:
RageSider™ & Tajwar

Now Available, :

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Am I worth!!

Most of the time it feels like, God has wasted his time to create me. Someone else could have taken this body I possess and come to this earth instead of me. It's worthless to live on my life. Oh death! come to me... Then I think if it's worthless to live for myself so why not provide this life some kind of aim. That's what I am... A hollow container living to fulfill that certain aim I have!! Otherwise, I am a worthless creature only...!!

Human Puppets!!

"Are you listening to me? I have been asking this question for ten minutes. Where the heck did you lose your mind, boy?" 
"Yes, yes sir. I'm right here, sir."
"Study well otherwise you can't get a better job".
It makes me sick when some otherwises control my life more than me. It is always like this, study well otherwise...
Behave like this only otherwise...  Suit well otherwise...
I think that not only me, every individual suffers from this otherwise sickness in any stage of their life. It also gives me pain when these otherwise of the society take the dream of someone away from them and drag it over the cutter having thousands of sharp blades inbuilt. The otherwise blades are very sharp indeed. They don't only slice down your dreams, they slice your existence as well. 
I think, our thoughts are the things which make us individually existed. Without these thoughts, we are same exactly. We have same pair of ears and eyes. We also have common basic needs for living generally. And thoughts of individual influence by the dreams and the wishes they have.
Actually there is a reason behind all of it. The society needs control, they don't need people who can think individually or differently. They need puppet rather than a person with his own brain. Yes of course, individual can think, but he can think only about what society wants, otherwise....!! 
We are not human until and unless we don't quit giving our dreams and wishes up and come out of this trap of otherwise. Otherwise, we merely are nothing but human puppets!!

Image Credit:

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

From Akhilesh To RageSider™

When I used to look at my photos or see myself in the mirror, it felt like it's not me but a container which holds the real me locked. But whenever I peeped into my own eyes, I saw real me... locked deep down inside Akhilesh somewhere. 

When I got involved with creative stuffs, I felt alive, I mean the real me; this thing or I must say the real personality locked inside me broke free...

I gave this personality a name at 11 Feb 2014. This name is known as RageSider™.

This is also an interesting topic that how I came up with this name RageSider™. I believe that all the thoughts which affects me are the orders of my Guruji Lord Shiva. As you all know, Guruji Shiva is very famous for his Rage indeed. So that's how his Rage became a name for me! RageSider™!


Sometimes it gives me strange feelings. What is life and what is death? What does happen to us after death? Do we really exist somewhere else after death or it's like if we die, all is over... gone!!

There are so many things can't be understood!!

Hello World!

"स्वांत सुखाय (For self ease)", these are the words my mother said to me when I was writing my first Hindi novel at the age of 16 after 12th class examinations. I was afraid and always used to ask myself, Am I the right person to do this? My mother came up as a torch bearer to me and said those words to me. Don't worry about what people say, they will always say. Just do if because you love it, you get the ease by doing it. That's how it begun. That's how I finished my first novel at the age of 17. After finishing it, I forgot about it, joined coaching of engineering and after 2 years of break, I joined the Amity Institute of Nanotechnology. In my 3rd year of nanotechnology, When I was searching something in my bookshelf, I found handwritten manuscript of my novel, Prithviputra. I should try getting a publisher for my book, I though in my mind. After some low and high, I found Kahsyap Publications was in interested in publishing my book. After finishing some paperwork kind of things, finally PRITHVIPUTRA is in the market now.